Attitude and willingness to try SBMS
Attitude is one of the major components of the TRA. It is
widely agreed upon in the reference literature that attitude is
the best predictor of intention, which in turn is the best
predictor of behavior (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975; Cronan and
Al-Rafee, 2008). Therefore, a favorable attitude toward an act
should be consistent with the following behavior, while a
negative attitude should refrain an individual from ensuing
such behavior (Liao and Hsieh, 2013; Shoham and Ruvio,
2008). In the context of counterfeit products, the constructs
usually employed as a measure of intention/behavior have
been ‘willingness to buy’ or ‘intention to buy’
pirated/counterfeit products. Prior research has demonstrated
a positive relationship between attitude and intention to
purchase counterfeits while a negative relationship between
attitude and intention to purchase original products (Yoo and
Lee, 2009). In our study, given that all SBMS offer consumers
a “free” option (with limitations regarding listening lengths,
song skipping and advertisements) and an evaluation, timed
version of the “premium” paid for service, we test whether
attitude toward online piracy negatively influences consumers’
willingness to try (WtT) SBMS:
H6. A favorable attitude toward online piracy will negatively
influence consumers’ willingness to try SBMS.