The workflow related to publishing new VM images has already been discussed. Figure 5 clarifies the details in sequence
diagram syntax. Steps 1 to 7 involve setting up a new VM image. Steps 8 to 12 involve uploading application binaries. Steps 13 to 15 involve the installation and configuration of these executables. Interestingly, MyPHRMachines enables specialization among software vendors: some may specialize in setting up developer-friendly VM images with application infrastructure (e.g. a complex web and database server environment). These images can be offered to other software vendors, who want to specialize in offering end-useroriented VM images. Steps 16 to 18 involve publishing a VM image to a library. The library concept is important both to separate the developer-oriented images from the end-user oriented ones, but also to organize end-user images in various more fine-grained categories (e.g. per medical condition or per
insurance plan).