Deming's 14 Points
Create consistency of purpose toward the improvement of product and service, and communicate this goal to
all employees.
Adopt the new philosophy of quality throughout all levels with the organization.
Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality; understand that quality comes from improving processes.
No longer select suppliers based solely on price. Move towards developing a long-term relationship with a
single supplier.
Processes, products, and services should be improved constantly; reducing waste.
Institute extensive on-the-job training.
Improve supervision.
Drive out fear of expressing ideas and concerns.
Break down barriers between departments. People should be encouraged to work together as a team.
Eliminate slogans and targets for the workforce.
Eliminate work quotas on the factory floor.
Remove barriers that rob workers of their right to pride of workmanship.
Institute a program of education and self-improvement.
Make sure to put everyone in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.