formulation liquid foam hand pump mixed Rhinacanthus nasutus. The ingredients and properties of products in the market 3 samples with the samples together to guide the formulation of liquid soap recipe pump foam hand mixed Rhinacanthus nasutus.Namely, measure, pHThe viscosity, volume, bubbleThe durability of the bubble from the test, we have ways of treatment liquid when the formula, we are to modify the concentration in the formulation 2 type formula The Protelan and LS 9011 Cocamido Proplybetaine which are all 7 recipes Recipe Recipes7 formula above showed that the formula with chemical quality. Physical conditions and ways of products in the market the most was the formula 6 due to high quality chemical and physical proximity to the formula the market most.Foam hand mixed Rhinacanthus nasutus. After the desired recipe and extract Rhinacanthus nasutus put into experiment. The ratio is determined by the input extract MIC90 then applied to measure the physical and chemical quality and tested the stability Heating-Cooling. Cycle.4 cycle by at the end of every 1 cycle have quality measurement in the chemical and physical properties all the time.