The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of HRM practices on employees’ turnover intentions in the Jordanian hotel sector. The study results demonstrate that the HRM practice of job analysis had a significant effect on an employee intention to leave. However, no statistical evidence was found regarding the effect of other HRM practices on employee intentions to leave. This finding is consistent with the study by Cho, et al. (2006), who reported that some HRM practices had significant effects on the turnover rate of non managerial employees.
One of the main findings that can be taken from the results is there is a robust level of investment in HRM practices in the surveyed Jordanian hotels. Most of the study employees judged that their hotels are performing a number of the assessed HRM practices. One explanation for the level of investment in HRM practices could be that the Jordanian government represented by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, ‘push’ the hotel sector in order to provide a quality standard of services. This leads to investment in HR practices.