Be in limit dont try to be over in relationship it will break it for sure.
likedislike18SahiL0 comments
Word's can't explain what a wonderful person you're... And Be sure I would Do anything To make you smile ...... :)
likedislike55MS love story2 comments
Your as beautiful as the night sky, your eyes shine like the star above, your smile as the moon illuminate the beauty of the night
likedislike121rey-rey1 comment
"Once upon a time, there was a boy who loves a girl, and he wrote this message to let her know he thinks about her every waking moment". Good morning, my love.
likedislike74Simon1 comment
If you love me, you must be patience to study each other becuase patience is the key to all doors of marriage.
likedislike31Nweke Prince0 comments
When ever you go I can follow with my eyes 4 you.............
likedislike16chndrashekar0 comments
I miss how we used to talk every minute of every day & how I was able to tell you everything that was on my mind. I miss our conversations !!
likedislike79asish2 comments
God puts certain person in our lives for a reason, and whatever God had in mind for bringing you into mine, I don’t really mind. I’m just thankful He did!
likedislike140innocent0 comments
The day I will stop loving you is the day when I close my eyes forever
likedislike117Love2 comments
Over the years I've come to realize that life would have been meaningless without you. I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART! Yes i love you more than words can say!
likedislike60Fube Hyceinth0 comment