Host: Think about your coworkers who consistently meet targets and achieve goals regardless of the business situation. A big part of their success is their ability to manage their time. But it's not easy.
Bob and Jessica are standing at Bob's cubicle.
Bob: Oh and that ERP report...Alan wants it by Tuesday? When will we have time for that?
Jessica: I have no idea.
Host: Too much to do and too little time to do it in – it's a common challenge. Like all of us at times, Jessica and Bob are feeling rushed, not sure of what they should really be doing and when they should be doing it. But with the right guidance and tools, they can learn how to align their goals with their company's expectations, how to ask questions to clarify their goals, how to prioritize their most important work – and start managing their time the way they need to.
Jessica: So, I hear you're going to help us out?
Jessica addresses the Host.
Host: Absolutely. Let's get started.