Now, supposing somebody else have another wave here (Refer Slide Time: 19:51) and another one here. Now, if I were plotting only half A square, here what is happening? Remember, here all the energy of this wave would have been half A square; and, this wave – half A square. In other words, in this graph here, what I am plotting here, you would have plotted rather other way round. This value with one value – somebody else would have plotted. Basically, you just check that two – one here and one here. It is the same thing. See the question is that if I rate (Refer Slide Time: 20:32) this, then I would have got rather two or three; I would have got these two. If I took that one, I would have got this one. Both of them have… because the question is that the energy contained of… See what is the red line? All the waves between this to this frequency have so much energy. What is the blue one? All the way between this to this and this to this have this blue energy. They must be constant; they must remain same. So, what is happening, what I