Abstract: The antibacterial activity of hexane, ethanol and aqueous extracts of each of 5 different medicinal plants namely; galangal, cabbage, eucalyptus, elecampane and basil were assayed against the growth of seven pathogenic bacteria representing two Gram-positive bacteria and five Gram-negative bacteria by disc diffusion method. The results revealed that basil hexane extract had broad-spectrum activity against all tested bacteria followed by galangal, eucalyptus, elecampane, and cabbage. Both basil ethanol extract and eucalyptus aqueous extracts had prominent broad-spectrum activity against all tested bacteria among other plant extracts. Galangal, eucalyptus, elecampane and basil hexane extracts and galangal, cabbage, elecampane and basil ethanol extracts beside galangal and eucalyptus aqueous extracts were chosen to undergo the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination and qualitative phytochemical screening. Both basil hexane extract and ethanol extract, compared to the other extracts, exhibited the best antibacterial activity and lowest MIC in concentration. Hence, they were chosen as the most potent antibacterial extracts for determining their chemical components using GC/MS analysis.