The finished fabric samples with the diameter of 2cm ± 0.1cm were taken for the analysis. Both the sides of samples were presterilized under ultra violet radiation for 15minutes. Sterile bacteriostasis agar was dispensed in sterile petridishes. Broth cultures (24 hours) of the test organisms were used as inoculum.
Using sterile cotton swab the test organisms (Escherichia coli & Staphylococcus aureus) were swabbed over the surface of the agar plate. Presterilized samples were placed over the pre-swabbed agar surface by using sterile spatula.
After placing the samples all the plates were incubated at 37oC for 18 to 24 hours. After incubation the plates were examined for the zone of bacterial inhibition around the fabric sample. The size of the clear zone was used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of the extract.