3.3. Thermometry
A one-way repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant
difference by condition (p¼0.0432) in the area under the ΔTre
curve (Fig. 1(b)). Post-hoc testing indicated that M/E caused a
significantly greater mean (SD) heat storage response (2.8 [0.7] °C)
than W (1.8 [0.6] °C) (po0.05). The average starting rectal temperature
across all conditions was 37.09 (0.05) °C.
A one-way repeated-measures ANOVA showed a difference by
condition (p¼0.0064), and post-hoc testing showed significantly
lower mean (SD) chest skin temperature (as indicated by the area
under the curve; data not shown) 15.1 (9.2) °C in W, and 14.4
(9.3) °C in M/E, compared to CON (4.4 [5.3] °C) respectively
(po0.01). A one-way repeated-measures ANOVA showed a difference
by condition (p¼0.0023) (Fig. 2(b)), and post-hoc testing
showed significantly lower mean (SD) back skin temperature (as
indicated by the area under the curve) of 12.0 (8.8) °C in W, and
12.9 (8.2) °C in M/E, compared to CON (5.7 [4.5] °C) respectively
A one-way repeated-measures ANOVA showed a difference by
spray group (p¼0.0002) (Fig. 3(b)), and post-hoc testing showed a
significantly lower mean (SD) forearm skin temperature (as indicated
by the area under the curve) of 8.8 (4.7) °C in W, and 13.8
(5.5) °C in M/E, compared to CON (2.5 [2.3] °C) respectively