To run the operations, AHA center uses a mandatory fund, paid $30,000 annually by member countries, to manage the resources for supporting the implementation of AADMER related activities, for assisting the affected country in disaster relief and emergency response, and for use in the deployment of ERAT to the affected countries. This contribution reflects a commitment to regional collaborative operation. At the same time, Article 24 of AADMER requires ASEAN member countries to establish the ASEAN Disaster Management and Emergency Relief Fund (AADMER Fund) on a voluntary basis. Further, it allows the countries to mobilize additional resources from relevant international organizations. Setting up the AADMER Fund is the right initiative. Although regional collaboration is agreed to be mutually beneficial to all member countries, the implementation, activities, progress, and concrete delivery of services need adequate budgets to help facilitate in disaster management. Because of the voluntary basis, the AADMER Fund does not expect equal contributions from member countries. Countries with less capacity to manage disasters in their jurisdiction typically commit more and faster funding than do countries with a greater capacity to cover their disaster costs. It is not a surprise that in countries that consider disasters less of a threat, voluntary contributions will be less necessary and more of a luxury.