Bulk Specific Gravity and Absorption
The bulk specific gravity and percentage of absorption shall be determined in accordance with the ASTM
Method of Test, designation C 127. Percentage of Clay Lumps and Friable Particles
The percentage of clay lumps and friable particles shall be determined in accordance with the ASTM Method of
Test, designation C 142. Resistance to Degradation
The resistance to degradation shall be determined in accordance with the ASTM Method of Test, designation C
131 or C 535 using the grading as specified in Note # 1, Table 1-2-1. Materials having gradations containing
particles retained on the 1 inch sieve shall be tested by ASTM C 535. Materials having gradations with 100%
passing the 1 inch sieve shall be tested by ASTM C 131. Sodium Sulfate Soundness
Sodium Sulfate Soundness tests shall be made in accordance with the ASTM Method of Test, designation C 88. Unit Weight