The respondent profile, summarized in Table 1, indicates thatthe majority of the respondents were females (52.2%) of Chinesenationality (65.4%) belonging to the 31–40 age group (44.8%) andthat their primary travel motivation was for leisure (76.4%).In this study, a PLS analysis was conducted using the SmartPLS2.0 M3 package to compare three alterative models representingdifferent mediation and moderation structures. This is because aPLS analysis is better suited for presenting the moderating effects(Lee et al., 2009) and PLS is capable of maximizing the varianceof the dependent variables explained by the independent ones inplace of reproducing the empirical covariance matrix (Haenlein andKaplan, 2004). Also, the PLS approach is more robust with non-normal data (Hair et al., 2011) and was supported by bootstrappingusing 601 cases and 5000 samples to assess the path coefficients’significance as recommended by Hair et al. (2012).