B. Requirements of emergency materials management
For the emergency materials management, it mainly
contains the demand analysis, collection, storage,
distribution, use, and consumption. With the system, the
physical and chemical effects caused by the natural factors
or human factors can be reduced to the maximum extent. It
can guarantee all kinds of material can be dispensed with the
use of reasonable in case of emergency.
In the whole management process of emergency
materials, it focus on the material quality, security
management, reasonable storage, process optimization,
accurate dispatch, and process monitoring. The details are
expressed as follows:
(1) Material quality. The material quality is the
fundament of the emergency materials management. In the
materials storage and transportation process, the
physicochemical properties of the materials should be
ensured, and this is the primary link of emergency materials
(2) Security management. In the process of transportation,
distribution, and dispatch of the emergency materials, the
security management is very important, we should ensure
the safety and reliability, and ensure that no accident
happens. This is not only the fundamental requirement for
the high speed emergency logistics and emergency
management, but also the basis for emergency materials