Rehana has brought your email to my attention and I will undertake to get an update on the status of various liner client payments to us over the next couple of days.
However, in short, I can advise you that the GSE decision to trade directly in the market has caused significant consternation among many in the industry, including liner installers, their clients and some utility owners. This has exacerbated liner collections from some end user customers and has placed our installers in a rather invidious position. It would appear that many owners and main contractors will use any number and variety of excuses to delay payments. I am also aware that some customers have now decided to purchase elsewhere and not from GSE and we appear to be caught up in such attitudinal behaviours.
Let me review our liner collections situation and get the latest update with our debtors people and sales staff and I will get back to you as soon as is practicable.
Incidentally, the oldest payments look like they were due in November and are now just 60 days overdue, not 120 days. Talk soon.