Valid during many months: During this period your relationships will alter tremendously, and you will try to break free of the restrictions and obligations that have held you back. You begin to feel very impatient and rebellious toward limitations of any kind. Others will find it very difficult to predict what you will do and may be quite upset by your actions. The people you draw into your immediate environment now may be radically different from those whom you used to associate with.
This influence has its most difficult effects on marriage and other intimate relationships. You may find it difficult to continue living up to the rules of marriage and may begin to look for other relationships. You can anticipate the effects of this influence on your marriage or other intimate union simply by examining your inner feelings about the relationship. If it really feels good, you will not have much of a problem. A husband during this time may become impatient with the standard masculine role of breadwinner with all its accoutrements, as defined by our culture. Similarly, a wife may suddenly become impatient with being merely a housewife and begin to demand a more active role in the world. This influence gives both sexes a desire for liberation.
If you are well prepared, this time can also bring about the only meaningful liberation, that is, the mind being free of its illusions. Many people begin to study astrology or the occult at this time, seeking this very liberation. While these studies may be a useful step on the path, you will ultimately learn that all structures for interpreting the world have the same limitations as your old ones, if you allow them to become rigid. True liberation involves coming to a point where all structure is taken on by choice and your life is self-created.