The ability to change the system as per situational demands can provide higher value to its customers; thus can
produce better performance (Senge, 1990; Stalk, 1988; Nadler, 1990). In addition to that the different layers of
control, the flow of information had a well coordinated process which creates a healthy communication process
for the company. Due to the flexibility that is present in the GP culture; quick innovative ideas could be applied
without disorder. From the discussions so far it is obvious that GP holds a strongly satisfying culture for relevant
stockholders. This culture initiates employee satisfaction and effective employee performance. Effective
employee performance and productivity have resulted mainly from motivation and the opportunities provided by
the organization. Leadership is another core factor of organizational culture.
In any organization the main feature of knowledge management is a focus on organizational objectives; these
include employee performance and productivity, competitive advantage, innovation, sharing of knowledge and
skills, and integration, leading to the improvement of the organization. For an effective knowledge management
that can support the successful processes of an organization, the system should be supported by the
organization’s culture and cultural factors. GP is a large capital invested and expensive technology based
organization and knowledge management plays a key role. At GP, knowledge management is crucial to the
organization’s competitive advantage and the cultural factors heavily affect the knowledge management. The
factors of knowledge management such as employee performance, productivity, and competitive advantage are
highly influenced by the organizational culture of GP. Another crucial finding of the research is the
encouragement of GGP to its knowledge workers. Due to its technological business mannerism GP employs