Dear Khun Pakhawatra
Refer to iMas solution with budgeting.
Unfortunately, our management schedule quite tight.
We will notify you for next meeting on next week again.
As same time, we're working with hardware budgeting.
We try to make individual hardware HP server.
But if we cannot and build to "combined hardware server".
1. If solution go through "SUN+MC", please advised can we?
And how about minimum hardware specification base on SUN?
Has something we need to aware on design stage? (before implementation)
2. If solution go through "SUN+CheckSCM", please advised can we?
And how about minimum hardware specification base on SUN and CheckSCM?
Has something we need to aware on design stage? (before implementation)
Should you need more information, please feel free to contact me anytime.
Thank you very much.