• What might the site indicate in terms of civilization?
Ans It is testimony to the evidence of a culture or civilization to appear in the present or the now perished
castle sneezing. This Hindu civilization Last in the 7th century and flourished until its peak in the 9th century in the central region of Vietnam today.
• What might the site indicate in terms of beliefs or religious practices?
Ans- In terms of religion
My Son Sanctuary Essen. A blend of Belief Worship the God of the Mountain The belief that the gods of Hind
- In the sense of belief.
Archaeologists assumed that the Castle Group, ACE is a holy place of Champa with 2 doors, one facing East to the worship of Shiva the Hindu beliefs on the other, facing the Castle, group b, c, and d, which is on the East side and the Champa King burial.
• Can you visit the site today? Is it a tourist attraction?
Ans- In the present day. After refresh event beyond and then my son has become a tourist attraction of tourists and foreigners, Viet Nam