From the Ayam Cemani it is well-known that it existed already for ages in both Sumatra and Java. Initially the Dutch VOC seamen were not willing to eat suchlike black fleshy chicken. And in Europe one still is shivery and leaves the nibbling of for example a Silky to the Asians.
How the Swedish Black Chicken came over to Europe still is big mystery. Could the powerful maritime company VOC that had numerous contacts in both Africa and Asia be the solution? It even might be the reason that this chicken unconsciously got the nickname little VOC chicken. The Swedes assume that Dutch seamen imported this poultry race from Mozambique to Sweden.
Than remains the question: Did there live domestic black gallinaceous birds in Africa? The poultry historian Houwink mentioned the existence of Negro poultry. All in all, the origin of the Swedish Black Chicken remains to be wrapped in mist.
It remains very peculiar that, if we assume that the Swedish Black Chicken is a descendant of the Ayam Cemani, she, despite of the cold climate in Sweden, adapted so tremendously, especially because she has so few down.
All racial characteristics are preserved, this is a compliment to the Swedish poultry dabblers, but as earlier mentioned, they well are smaller build than the Ayam Cemani, but in spite off this she is a graceful chicken.
It is worth mentioning that what fertilisation is concerned the Ayam Cemani does not excels, on the other hand the Swedish Black Chicken possesses an extreme vitality, 98% is normal.