1. Each Thai regards every other person in the social order as higher or lower
than himself. . . Based on the differences of in social standing, a hierarchy
arises where each person pays deference to all who stand above and is
deferred to by all below. . . In this society of unequals, Buddhist doctrine
urges each person to do what he can for the benefit of those who stand
below him in the hierarchy. By helping others a man gains a helper,
increases his own merit, and raises his own standing in the hierarchy. . .
This standard relationship of superior to inferior we have called patron
client relationship. . .It rests on reciprocity and in practice this is the key
to social intercourse. . . Every liaison between people in this society
takes on some forms of this patron–client relationship (Hanks, 1966,
pp. 198–199).
According to the above passage, describe how this passage reflect the condition of
Thai Feudal Society between Pre-Sukhothai Dynasty to Pre-King Rama the Fifth of Chakri Dynasty. Using Chakravatin concept analyzes the ideas.