It is now possible to change the graphical presentation by changing the colors of the
map into color that are easily associated with the different land use type. In the demoversion
of the model for Sibuyan Island the suggested colours of Table 2 can be used.
Use of ArcGIS
All results of the simulation are saved in the installation directory. To display the
simulation results it is necessary to use a GIS package. For these exercises we will use
the ArcMap package with the Spatial Analyst Extension. Follow the steps below to
display a land use map generated by the CLUE-S model:
Start ArcMap and make sure that the Spatial Analyst extension is installed and
activated: Tools | Extensions | Check ‘Spatial Analyst’ | OK
Import the file with simulation results that you want to display: Conversion Tools | To
Raster | ASCII to Raster..
Select the file with simulation results. Go to the installation directory of CLUE-S.
Note: the installation directory should not contain spaces or special characters, since
this might disturb the import of ASCII files in ArcMap. Set ‘Files of Type:’ to ‘File
(*.asc)’. The simulation results are stored in files called: cov_all.*.asc where *
indicates the year after the start of the simulation. Select the file you want, e.g.
cov_all.10.asc and click ‘OK’.
Specify a name and directory where you want to store the resulting grid, e.g., year10.
Cell values are integers.
The result of the simulation can now be displayed and analysed (Figure c1.4). By
right-clicking on the theme it is possible to edit the proporties of the map including
the symbology.
It is now possible to change the graphical presentation by changing the colors of the
map into color that are easily associated with the different land use type. In the demoversion
of the model for Sibuyan Island the suggested colours of Table 2 can be used.