Educate the whole child:Allocation of instructional time and financial resources to teaching visual arts, music, theatre, dance, Hawaiian studies, Native Hawaiian culture and native Hawaiian traditional and customary practices.
Support all students: Additional preparation time and funding for special education teachers and instructional materials.
Recognize that class size matters: Establish reasonable maximum class sizes for different levels rather than just recommending a ratio.
Create a career pathway: Provide vocational, technical and career pathway programs for all public high schools.
Provide quality school facilities: Funding for air conditioning and other capital improvement projects.
Properly fund our rural and small schools: Adjustments to the Weighted Student Formula to ensure that proper funding levels are provided to every school.
Attract and retain the best and brightest to Hawaii’s public education system: Establish teacher salaries that are comparable to teachers in districts with a similar high cost of living.
End high stakes testing: Authentic assessments to provide teachers with formative information to use in the classroom to meet the needs of their students. Parents should have the unrestricted right to excuse their children from high stakes tests.
Public preschools: Funding so that children of all socio-economic backgrounds can have access to preschool.
Give teachers the supplies they need: Provide teachers with the funds necessary to buy supplies for their classrooms.