David GigliottiGRAZIE การทำงาน ☆☆☆☆☆สัปดาห์ที่ 2 ago•Zikhona Rafaหวัดดี! คุณได้พยายามปกครองภาวะซึมเศร้ารวม Depzap (ทำการค้นหาของ google) ไอฟ์ได้ยินสิ่งที่ไม่น่าเชื่อเลย และเพื่อนของฉันก็สามารถที่จะรักษาภาวะซึมเศร้าทั้งหมดago• 2 เดือนmaureen buchserคุณควรไม่เบาออกจากตุรกีเย็นยาใด ๆ .dangerous และจะทำให้เกิดผลตอบสนอง .check กับแพทย์ก่อนจึงจะหย่าเองออกอย่างปลอดภัย .ago•2 1 ปีMichael Nkolloนอกจากนี้ยัง ได้ยินโดยใช้กรดอะมิโนเช่น 5htp สามารถช่วยในกระบวนการเช่น1 เดือน ago•maureen buchserRetraining เสียงสมองทำงาน การศึกษาได้ตั้งแต่ 60's ... คุณต้องติดกับมัน .you สามารถเพิ่มอารมณ์ของคุณ เพิ่มความจำ ลดความวิตกกังวลเป็นต้น มีความถี่แตกต่างกัน ตัวอย่าง เบต้าซึ่งเป็นหลักระหว่าง wakefulness ที่สัมพันธ์กับอารมณ์ เรียนรู้ โฟกัส และ outlook รวมจิต ago• 1 ปีโรงแรมเจเอสีน้ำตาลเหมือนกับฉันที่นี่ไปกับตรรกะของวิธีการทำงานของ brainwave entrainment ผมหมายถึง หลักสำคัญคือ ว่า ถ้าคุณใส่ความถี่หนึ่งในหู และอื่น ๆ ในหูอื่น ๆ brainwaves ของซิงค์กับข้อแตกต่างระหว่างความถี่ (เช่น binaural เต้น), ขวา ดังนั้นสามารถคุณกระตุ้นฟิลิปดาทั้งแยกต่างหากหรือไม่ เพียงความคิดของฉันง่ายตามอะไร (เป็นที่ยอมรับน้อย) ฉันรู้สิ่งนี้เดือนที่ 9 ago•Erica Mahoney@1Created1 และปลุกเราและคนอื่น รู้ปีกระทู้จะเก่า แต่ทุกข์ทรู Effexor ฉันใช้เวลาดังกล่าวน้อย (ออกจากแคปซูล 15 เม็ด) ถ้าไม่มีเจ็บ เนื้อร้ายสมอง zaps/สะบัด หนาวฉันกะมิดไปเสีย ดร.ช่วยไม่ได้ ใครมีประสบการณ์เหล่านี้ "zaps" และถ้า ไม่ได้เยียวยา prozac หรือ anyother ควบคุมพวกเขา พวกเขามี debilitating Effexor เป็นยาอยู่ห่างจาก ตลกฉันไม่เคยต้องถอนตัวออกจากเวชภัณฑ์ความเจ็บปวด แต่ Effexor มีเจ๊งปีผ่านมาจาก ago•1 1 ปีmaureen buchserดูหมอที่อื่น .you ควรจะหย่าปิดยาปลอดภัยไม่มีผลข้างเคียงถ้าทำอย่างถูกต้องago• 1 ปีโจเซฟ tournoux Ok I was diagnosed RC bi-polar 2 over a decade ago. went cold turkey on all my meds a year ago February. I was on a lot Cymbalta was only one along with 1500 Mg Cerequyl,Tamazapam, Adivan, for the life of me I can not remember the mood stabilizer or The others, That was probably the dumbest thing I will ever do but I survived. Fortunately I live mostly alone now because the eight months following my cold turkey were literally pure insanity (Thank god for my mother who visited so often). Unfortunately there appear to be a few pretty negative side effects to the ordeal which appear to be long term. For instance my emotions seem to all be always active. I have learned to deal with that and I would rather not discuss the others except this. My mind now seems to well... I guess kinda mix up recalled information. I have been using meditation recently and that led me to these Binaural tones. can this help or is there something else that will hekp?<-- WOW}] I am leaving that misspelled word as a perfect metaphor to what my mind is constantly doing. Its driving me beyond nutz as well as everyone that visits :) Sorry rambling. Will this help or anything else out there.1 year ago•1Gareld JouvenatReki and Acupuncture. (real healers though...some are not well trained) In conjunction with isochronic tones, subliminal messages/positive affirmations. I use marijuana (like asprin) in conjunction with meditation to cut the biology part of my anxiety loop which give me lasting results (not I have to use marijuana to relieve my anxiety) but to assist (like some novocain) with healing my mind with meditation. My psychiatrist failed me. what I have suggested is what has been healing me. after finally trusting my intuition. more about who I am at sawadeekalasin wordpress.com9 months ago•1maureen buchserI weaned myself off cymbalta by myself after being on it for years, 60 mg daily. I had no problems whatsoever doing it. I have been using meditation daily to cure myself and so far so good. It's been 2 months. 1 year ago•1maureen buchser+Old School Nostalgia still off the meds. .but do to some life changes feeling depressed. But amping up the meditation and beats!1 year ago•1Old School NostalgiaHey I know the battle you've been going through... and how you it's one of the most difficult things to live through. I've been on that journey as well... please continue and be wise... share your story and help others1 year ago•Loahy ValleyInteresting reaction here: When I´m slightly depressed this track works fine and definitely improves my mood. Whem I´m not depressed to begin with listening to it causes a minor headache (pressure) in the area of my left forehead and a general feeling of dizzyness and being out of balance. Those negative reaction vanish slowly wtihin 2 - 3 hours after listening. Paradoxically a feeling of being more centered nd stable which seems to reside "beneath" the headache and dizzyness remains. This positive reaction resembles the very good results I generally get from all the tracks I´ve listened to so far. Both versions of the track (with music or pure beats) cause the same "double reaction".1 year ago•Vincent MontoodefordInstead of wasting your time on normal treatment method without assured outcome, make sure you eliminate anxiety attack yourself by all-natural therapy.1 year ago•Julia R. DaigleIt isn't very difficult to heal panic disorder by yourself if you have the correct way of thinking1 year ago•maureen buchserI can suggest hangouts with Judy Gary. .she suffered from panic attacks and using law of attraction has healed herself. .good luck to you. .1 year ago•Julia R. DaigleYou can discover further here: http://help1.info/panic-attacks-remedies1 year ago•Brainwave Hub ● HQ Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones for Self Growth & Mind ExpansionHi. These are isochronic, that's why you can still hear the pulsating rhythm without phones2 years ago•PatCatHow many times do I need this? is it like herbal tea? 2 years ago•Saul Mcleody ou know that really makes a difference3 years ago•PatriciaMarie100Check April 292 years ago•Katwink711I think for those experiencing headaches your resisting take some deep breaths and get into a relaxed state because this worked immediately for me , try other videos with correct frequencies not all the videos are good but the ones that are definitely help.2 years ago•Brainwave Hub ● HQ Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones for Self Growth & Mind ExpansionIt's actually two seperate beat frequencies, 20 in the right ear and 10 in the left. I don't remember the exact base freqs of each one but I would guess in the region of 1302 years ago•Dannydaninja101every day for one month2 years ago•Francie NolanI felt like I was getting my brain scrubbed with a toothbrush.2 years ago•1veronicas2000romy head is gonna blow. i feel hight pressure on the temples while i listen to this. is that normal?2 years ago•BlikeNaveThing is brain can't hear frequencies that low, so a binaural wouldn't be produced at those frequencies anyways. However if you had two frequencies that were above human hearing threshold of 20hz then you're absolutely right about the brain entraining to the binaural beat between them.3 years ago•semiEuphoriaDont worry u will get off of cymbalta go to all these forums but dont look at the bad posts.i have been "drugged"since i was a kid(way before it was recommended but my mom is a doc n directed everthg)i got off everythg EASY and some r worst than cymbalta. U CAN TOO. Effexor: supposed to be ALMOST the same thing, but worst. Gives noradrenaline+serotonin and u and not as advanced as cymbalta 4 diferent things(even to stop). Dont do it cold turkey:its dumb. Write to me for advice.3 years ago•1
roberto riccardi
very good___
3 years ago•1
Awaken Us
Can you make this louder? I can't hear it & the speakers are turned up max. Thank You for the upload.
3 years ago•
Found this because a good friend had it posted on his page..
3 years ago•4
diana fen
Hm i dunno, for me... Distraction works really well, when i feel that horrible heavy mood comin on, i play games like brain or eye training, and it helps me for
2 years ago•1
so is mine.. after great stress... this is soothing... front cortex at ease... yeah... maybe two times... is the best... so one hour daily before sleep...
2 years ago•
Helps with migraine also!
2 years ago•
i'm just curious and i hope i don't sound stupid, but will this work if u have this on as background noise? for example, if i were to be reading a book or talking thru someone thru texting.
2 years ago•
P Sheridan
Do left handers tend to have more anxiety and depression because of this hemispheric imbalance?
2 years ago•
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