containing a suppression cassette that expresses an
inverted repeat sequence that matches the sequence of western corn rootworm (WCR; Diabrotica virgifera
virgifera) has been developed. The expression of the cassette results in the formation of a doublestranded
RNA (dsRNA) transcript containing a 240 bp fragment of the WCR Snf7 gene (DvSnf7) that
confers resistance to corn rootworm by suppressing levels of DvSnf7 mRNA in WCR after root feeding.
Internationally accepted guidelines for the assessment of genetically modified crop products have been
developed to ensure that these plants are as safe for food, feed, and environmental release as their nonmodified
counterparts (Codex, 2009). As part of these assessments MON 87411 must undergo an
extensive environmental assessment that requires large quantities of DvSnf7 dsRNA that was produced
by in vitro transcription (IVT). To determine if the IVT dsRNA is a suitable surrogate for the MON 87411-
produced DvSnf7 dsRNA in regulatory studies, the nucleotide sequence, secondary structure, and functional
activity of each were characterized and demonstrated to be comparable. This comprehensive
characterization indicates that the IVT DvSnf7 dsRNA is equivalent to the MON 87411-produced DvSnf7
dsRNA and it is a suitable surrogate for regulatory studies.