This paper studies the feasibility of incorporating treated lignins in fiberboards made from Vitis vinifera as
an agricultural waste. The treated lignins are the purified Kraft lignin and the alkaline hydrolyzed Kraft
lignin. V. vinifera raw material and its fibers were characterized in terms of chemical composition and the
results were compared to other biomass species. The chemical composition of treated lignins shows that
they have high purity compared to the lignin raw material. The lignin-V. vinifera fibreboards were produced on laboratory scale by adding powdered treated lignins to the material that had previously been
steam exploded. Some of the important properties of fibreboards prepared using the treated lignins as
natural adhesives were evaluated. These properties were density, thickness swelling, water absorption,
modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, internal bond strength. The explored levels of treated lignins
vary from 5% to 20%. The results showed that binderless fibreboards, fibreboards made from V. vinifera
fibers and alkaline hydrolyzed Kraft lignin have weaker mechanical properties. However, the fibreboards
obtained using purified Kraft lignin have good mechanical and water resistance properties which satisfy
the requirements of the relevant standards specifications.
This paper studies the feasibility of incorporating treated lignins in fiberboards made from Vitis vinifera asan agricultural waste. The treated lignins are the purified Kraft lignin and the alkaline hydrolyzed Kraftlignin. V. vinifera raw material and its fibers were characterized in terms of chemical composition and theresults were compared to other biomass species. The chemical composition of treated lignins shows thatthey have high purity compared to the lignin raw material. The lignin-V. vinifera fibreboards were produced on laboratory scale by adding powdered treated lignins to the material that had previously beensteam exploded. Some of the important properties of fibreboards prepared using the treated lignins asnatural adhesives were evaluated. These properties were density, thickness swelling, water absorption,modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, internal bond strength. The explored levels of treated ligninsvary from 5% to 20%. The results showed that binderless fibreboards, fibreboards made from V. viniferafibers and alkaline hydrolyzed Kraft lignin have weaker mechanical properties. However, the fibreboardsobtained using purified Kraft lignin have good mechanical and water resistance properties which satisfythe requirements of the relevant standards specifications.
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