Almost without exception, each of us, every day, argues for or against something with somebody. The discussions may be short and friendly("Let's go to this restaurant rather than that one") or long and complex("Mandatory motorcycle helmets are an intrusion on civil rights"). Because we do argue our viewpoints so often. most of us realized long ago that shifting into high whine did not always get us what we wanted. On the contrary, we've learned that we usually have a much better chance at winning a dispute or having our plan adopted or changing someone's mind if we present our side of an issue in calm, logical fashion, giving sound reasons for our position. This approach is just what a good argumentative essay docs: it presents logical reasoning and solid eviden persuade your readers to accept your point of view. Some argumentative essays declare the best solution to a problem("Raising the drink- ing age will decrease traffic accidents"): others argue a certain way of looking at an issue("Beauty pageants degrade women') still others may urge adoption of a specific plan of action("Voters should pass ordinance 10 to fund the new ice rink"). Whatever your exact purpose, your argumentative essay should be composed of a clear the and body para graphs that offer enough sensible reasons and persuasive evidence to convincc your read ers to agree with you