Records for fish
- This is a store that has been around for 50 years, inherited from their grandparents. Starting from the farm. By way of the King's sufficiency economy. Because there are so many fish in the pond. Invent ways of processed fish in the pond. Starting from the baked fish, but people do not like. It made for a nice little dried fish, but not satisfied. So do fish recipes The current best sellers And to meet teenagers today so many invented flavored fish such as fish soup flavored fermented fish cheese flavored barbecued fish and fish-flavored chili flavors. Which sell very well, so the export abroad. And make fish so good ... and the most delicious in the world. In terms of prices that start from 69 baht. But the fish made it more affordable. We raised the price of fish is priced 100 baht only, the price is suitable for various fish