6. Conclusion
Experimental investigations have been carried out in order to investigate the effect of moisture content (MC) and temperature on thermal conductivity (K) of guava fruit. From the above discussion the following conclusion were made:
1. Significant variation in thermal conductivity was observed with changes in moisture content and temperature.
2. It is observed that, the thermal conductivity increases with increase in moisture content, caused mainly by conduction heat transfer of water particles of the sample.
3. The thermal conductivity also increases with increase in density, due to higher thermal contact between particle structures of the sample and also structure is nonporous with fewer voids (i.e. the volume of pores reduced, resulting in higher Thermal conductivity).
4. The variation of thermal conductivity may occur due to nonhomogeneity and positioning of temperature measurement within the sample.
5. The deviation of experimental results of thermal conductivity with the standard models is in the range of 10.15% to 18.38% (Sweat) and 12.08% to 14.29% (Anderson), and found to be in Conflict of interest None declared.