PSAK No. 4 (Revised 2013), Separate
Financial Statements, adopted from IAS
27. This PSAK prescribes only the
accounting requirements when a parent
entity prepares separate financial
statements as additional information.
Accounting for consolidated financial
statements is determined in PSAK 65.
PSAK No. 24 (Revised 2013),
Employee Benefits, adopted from IAS
19. This PSAK, among other, removes
the corridor mechanism and contingent
liability disclosures to simple
clarifications and disclosures.
The implementation of this PSAK
requires restatements of the employee
benefits liabilities account on the
consolidated statements of financial
position as of December 31, 2014 and
January 1, 2014.
PSAK No. 46 (Revised 2014), Income
Taxes, adopted from IAS 12. This PSAK
now provides additional provision for
deferred tax asset or deferred tax
liability arises from a non-depreciable
asset measured using the revaluation
model, and those arises from
investment property that is measured
using the fair value model.
PSAK No. 48 (Revised 2014),
Impairment of Assets, adopted from IAS
36. This PSAK provides additional
disclosure terms for each individual
asset (including goodwill) or a cashgenerating
unit, for which an impairment
loss has been recognized or reversed
during the period.