The digital revolution demanded schools to begin transforming their learning
communities to keep up with innovations and the changing 21 st century. The people who
are in charge of facilitating schools’ transition into the digital global economy-
superintendents and principals-are typically the least knowledgeable and overwhelmed
about the digital global economy. The data suggests principals and other administrators
are ill equipped and unprepared to keep pace with changes in the larger world of
education. In a 2003 report, the nonpartisan research organization, Public Agenda,
reported that today’s school superintendents want their principals to display prowess in
everything from accountability, teacher quality and instructional strategies, but principals
themselves do not think they are equipped for these duties (as cited in Hess and Kelly,
2005). The results of a 2009 Walden University study found that after interviewing over
1000 educators and school administrators, many of them did not believe that are equipped
to integrate 21 st century skills and technology into their curriculum (Riley, 2009). The
survey also found that there are disparities in how administrators and teachers understand
the value of technology in the learning process. Ultimately, the survey recommended that
administrators are more involved in how technology and 21st century skills can be
integrated in their schools as well as how to support their teachers (2009). Another survey
of 125 superintendent and administrators in five Southern states conducted in 2007 by
Southeastern Louisiana University showed that school leaders are lacking in technology
training. For example, more than 96 percent of those surveyed claimed that they were not
aware of national, state or local technology standards, while 88 percent said that they
have not attended a technology training session for administrators in a three year period
(Davis, 2008). A recent survey also concluded that administrators, namely school
principals are inundated with so many managerial tasks that contribute to a lack of time
to stay abreast with technology training. This results in a lackluster approach to
technology integration for the school (Sincar, 2013).
The digital revolution demanded schools to begin transforming their learningcommunities to keep up with innovations and the changing 21 st century. The people whoare in charge of facilitating schools’ transition into the digital global economy-superintendents and principals-are typically the least knowledgeable and overwhelmedabout the digital global economy. The data suggests principals and other administratorsare ill equipped and unprepared to keep pace with changes in the larger world ofeducation. In a 2003 report, the nonpartisan research organization, Public Agenda,reported that today’s school superintendents want their principals to display prowess ineverything from accountability, teacher quality and instructional strategies, but principalsthemselves do not think they are equipped for these duties (as cited in Hess and Kelly,2005). The results of a 2009 Walden University study found that after interviewing over1000 educators and school administrators, many of them did not believe that are equippedto integrate 21 st century skills and technology into their curriculum (Riley, 2009). Thesurvey also found that there are disparities in how administrators and teachers understandthe value of technology in the learning process. Ultimately, the survey recommended thatadministrators are more involved in how technology and 21st century skills can beintegrated in their schools as well as how to support their teachers (2009). Another survey125 superintendent และผู้ดูแลระบบในอเมริกาใต้ 5 ดำเนินการในปี 2550 โดยตะวันออกเฉียงใต้รัฐลุยเซียนามหาวิทยาลัยแสดงให้เห็นว่า ผู้นำโรงเรียนไม่มีเทคโนโลยีฝึกอบรม ตัวอย่าง มากกว่าร้อยละ 96 ของผู้สำรวจอ้างว่า พวกเขาไม่ทราบมาตรฐานเทคโนโลยีแห่งชาติ รัฐ หรือท้องถิ่น ในขณะที่ร้อยละ 88 กล่าวว่า พวกเขามีไม่เข้าร่วมการฝึกเทคโนโลยีสำหรับผู้ดูแลในระยะเวลาสามปี(Davis, 2008) การสำรวจล่าสุดยังสรุปว่า ผู้ดูแลระบบ ได้แก่โรงเรียนแบบมีครอบมากบริหารงานที่ไม่มีเวลาการเป่า ด้วยการฝึกอบรมเทคโนโลยีการ ซึ่งผลการ lackluster วิธีการรวมเทคโนโลยีของโรงเรียน (Sincar, 2013)
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