The fruit borer Helicoverpa armigera (H.ubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a serious pest ofseveral crops in India. Among these,
tomato, cotton, pigeon pea, and chickpea consistently suffer extensive damage by the insect in different parts of the country. The
pesticides no longer control the insect. Among the alternative tactics for its control, transgenic plants expressing toxic proteins of
Bacillus thuringiensis offer a sustainable and effective method to prevent the crop losses because of H. armigera attack. The
transgenic Bt tomato plants expressing a Cry1Ab protein of B. thuringiensis suffered significantly lower damage by H. armigera than
the non-transgenic control plants in the laboratory, greenhouse and field. The Bt plants caused 100% mortality ofthe larvae and did
not support any growth and development by the latter. The only damage caused by the invading neonate larvae was to the terminal
parts oftomato shoots, which underwent wilting though larvae died thereafter. In view ofthis, a complete control ofthe H. armigera
by Bt plants in the field will have to be supported by the other tactics ofpest management such as bio-control agents or limited use of
The fruit borer Helicoverpa armigera (H.ubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a serious pest ofseveral crops in India. Among these,tomato, cotton, pigeon pea, and chickpea consistently suffer extensive damage by the insect in different parts of the country. Thepesticides no longer control the insect. Among the alternative tactics for its control, transgenic plants expressing toxic proteins ofBacillus thuringiensis offer a sustainable and effective method to prevent the crop losses because of H. armigera attack. Thetransgenic Bt tomato plants expressing a Cry1Ab protein of B. thuringiensis suffered significantly lower damage by H. armigera thanthe non-transgenic control plants in the laboratory, greenhouse and field. The Bt plants caused 100% mortality ofthe larvae and didnot support any growth and development by the latter. The only damage caused by the invading neonate larvae was to the terminalparts oftomato shoots, which underwent wilting though larvae died thereafter. In view ofthis, a complete control ofthe H. armigeraby Bt plants in the field will have to be supported by the other tactics ofpest management such as bio-control agents or limited use ofpesticides.
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