It’s no exaggeration to say that Japan is pretty obsessive when it comes to societal safety and manners. Japanese people often go to ridiculous/disgusting lengths to stay safe and to make sure that visitors are aware of all the unspoken rules that permeate throughout the country.
But sometimes it’s all just too much, even for the native Japanese themselves. So we present to you a list of the top 10 things that even Japanese people think they’re too obsessive over. Are you just as paranoid as they are, or would you be considered a carefree spirit in Japan? Read on to find out!
This top 10 list was compiled by asking 200 Japanese men in their twenties and thirties what they believe Japanese people make too much of a fuss over. Each responder gave their personal top three, and each number one response received three points, the second two points, and the third one point.
Here’s the list after everything was tallied up, in order from what they believe is least to most stupid to obsess over: