3. Prior research on using a mixed-reality
simulator for teacher training
Currently over 50 university and school district partners
use TeachLivE for teacher professional learning.
Researchers have demonstrated positive effects of mixedreality
simulation on pedagogy and content across content
areas with varying experience, skills, and levels of teaching
[28–31]. A national research study examined the effects of
four 10-min sessions in the simulator using a quasiexperimental
prepost group design on the pedagogical practices
of teachers [27]. Middle school mathematics teachers
(N ¼ 157) were randomly assigned either to a group that
received mixed-reality simulation or to a comparison
condition. Data were collected on the number and type
of questions asked during regular classroom instruction as
well as during simulation with student avatars. Teachers
significantly improved targeted teaching behaviors while
experiencing the simulator scenarios, and those improvements
transferred into the teachers’ original classroom with
real students. Andreasen and Haciomeroglu conducted a
mixed methods study with 15 mathematics teacher candidates
investigating mixed reality simulation as part of an
undergraduate course to improve their ability to teach
content [32]. Each group of three participants rotated
through a three-stage cycle of teaching in which one
member taught the lesson while the other two observed;
the simulation included middle school-aged student avatars
with misbehavior. After completing the 15 to 20 min
simulation, participants watched a video of their interaction
and reflected on their performance in writing. Participants
reported the need to balance content delivery with behavior