Getting Lean Supplements: A Fat Loss Supplement Guide
by Connor LaVallie on
"Hey bro, what supplements you take?"
If this is the first question someone asks me or one of my teammates, I'll usually just let out a sigh and proceed to give a brief plug about the primary importance of quality nutrition. When I fail to disclose any "secrets" about some magic powder or pill, I can see their interest quickly fade. Disappointed, they might walk away before I can even finish answering their initial question. No one wants to hear that persistence in the gym is best complimented by quality calories, rather than some quick fix potion. This is the truth, but it isn't the whole truth.
They should have stuck around, because I would tell them that dietary supplements are in fact a critical component in building muscle, losing fat, improving focus, performance, and eventually producing a physique worthy of competition. It's no secret that whether you're a bodybuilder, professionally football player, or "weekend" warrior... we're all looking for that edge in our respective area of competition.
Since the 1970's, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiast have always carried a lot of muscle. These guys would head over to Gold's Gym in Venice, California or some other dungeon-like gym filled with barbells and heavy dumbbells. They would train with maximum intensity day in and day out while performing set after set of heavy squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Today, most successful lifters would also recognize that these movements are superior. Invariably, they would place them as primary exercises in their routines since they obviously worked better than anything else.
Old school lifters also understood that nutrition was the primary catalyst for muscle growth and fat loss. They placed protein at the forefront of their diet plans, and ate adequate carbohydrates and fats to fill in the remaining calories they needed for building muscle. Just like today, bodybuilders and athletes are manipulating their diet regimens to lose fat at an optimal rate while simultaneously trying to minimize muscle wasting. All in all, it seems that not much has changed if we look at basic philosophies regarding training and nutrition. However, it is quite obvious that modern athletes and bodybuilders of all ages and competition levels are progressing at a rate much faster than any other time in human history. Where are the discrepancies? Why are natural bodybuilders now expected to obtain striations in their glutes and hamstrings?
One of the major differences lies in the modern development of various dietary supplements. Back in the old days, there were few products on the market that were used as additions to an athlete's diet. Natural bodybuilders would have to rely solely on incredibly precise nutrition and training designs to try and minimize the amount of muscle they would sacrifice while desperately working to get in contest condition. The same holds true today, but there's no doubt that the standards have been raised on the stage, court, and field. Whether you want to cut body fat for health reasons, cosmetic purposes, increased performance, or all of the above... you have to
Know your body and work rigorously toward your goal and
Know what the most effective products are on the shelves today and what they can do for your fat-loss goals.
There have been many companies that invent new products and instantly attach inflated claims and promises to them. There is usually minimal research to back up these statements, and it seems as though their agenda is only about making that sale... not helping you get into shape. We know now that supplements are just that...supplements to your diet and training program. However all that work to put on muscle in the gym and kitchen should not be drained the minute you decide to strip off the body fat. Make sure you make the smart move, and take advantage of some of the following products to help you keep the muscle you earned. Each one of these compounds has substantial scientific research behind it. Don't waste your money on any kind of hype; go for what works for many serious athletes all around the world!
Getting Lean Supplements: A Fat Loss Supplement Guide
by Connor LaVallie on
"Hey bro, what supplements you take?"
If this is the first question someone asks me or one of my teammates, I'll usually just let out a sigh and proceed to give a brief plug about the primary importance of quality nutrition. When I fail to disclose any "secrets" about some magic powder or pill, I can see their interest quickly fade. Disappointed, they might walk away before I can even finish answering their initial question. No one wants to hear that persistence in the gym is best complimented by quality calories, rather than some quick fix potion. This is the truth, but it isn't the whole truth.
They should have stuck around, because I would tell them that dietary supplements are in fact a critical component in building muscle, losing fat, improving focus, performance, and eventually producing a physique worthy of competition. It's no secret that whether you're a bodybuilder, professionally football player, or "weekend" warrior... we're all looking for that edge in our respective area of competition.
Since the 1970's, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiast have always carried a lot of muscle. These guys would head over to Gold's Gym in Venice, California or some other dungeon-like gym filled with barbells and heavy dumbbells. They would train with maximum intensity day in and day out while performing set after set of heavy squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Today, most successful lifters would also recognize that these movements are superior. Invariably, they would place them as primary exercises in their routines since they obviously worked better than anything else.
Old school lifters also understood that nutrition was the primary catalyst for muscle growth and fat loss. They placed protein at the forefront of their diet plans, and ate adequate carbohydrates and fats to fill in the remaining calories they needed for building muscle. Just like today, bodybuilders and athletes are manipulating their diet regimens to lose fat at an optimal rate while simultaneously trying to minimize muscle wasting. All in all, it seems that not much has changed if we look at basic philosophies regarding training and nutrition. However, it is quite obvious that modern athletes and bodybuilders of all ages and competition levels are progressing at a rate much faster than any other time in human history. Where are the discrepancies? Why are natural bodybuilders now expected to obtain striations in their glutes and hamstrings?
One of the major differences lies in the modern development of various dietary supplements. Back in the old days, there were few products on the market that were used as additions to an athlete's diet. Natural bodybuilders would have to rely solely on incredibly precise nutrition and training designs to try and minimize the amount of muscle they would sacrifice while desperately working to get in contest condition. The same holds true today, but there's no doubt that the standards have been raised on the stage, court, and field. Whether you want to cut body fat for health reasons, cosmetic purposes, increased performance, or all of the above... you have to
Know your body and work rigorously toward your goal and
Know what the most effective products are on the shelves today and what they can do for your fat-loss goals.
There have been many companies that invent new products and instantly attach inflated claims and promises to them. There is usually minimal research to back up these statements, and it seems as though their agenda is only about making that sale... not helping you get into shape. We know now that supplements are just that...supplements to your diet and training program. However all that work to put on muscle in the gym and kitchen should not be drained the minute you decide to strip off the body fat. Make sure you make the smart move, and take advantage of some of the following products to help you keep the muscle you earned. Each one of these compounds has substantial scientific research behind it. Don't waste your money on any kind of hype; go for what works for many serious athletes all around the world!
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