such as refrigeration tempera-tures 2 to 4 ◦C, low pH, high salt concentrations, and high temperatures
(CDC 1998). In a food processing plant, L. monocytogenes may
experience a variety of living conditions, including nutrient limitation
up to complete starvation (Taormina and Beuchat 2002). Under
nutrient deprivation, L. monocytogenes initiates a physiological
response known as the starvation survival response (SSR) (Watson
and others 1998; Herbert and Foster 2001). Some researchers have
found that the SSR can increase the resistance of L. monocytogenes
to other stresses including irradiation, heat, and acid (Jenkins and
others 1988; Lou and Yousef 1996; Janes and others 1999;Mendonca
and others 2002, 2004).
such as refrigeration tempera-tures 2 to 4 ◦C, low pH, high salt concentrations, and high temperatures(CDC 1998). In a food processing plant, L. monocytogenes mayexperience a variety of living conditions, including nutrient limitationup to complete starvation (Taormina and Beuchat 2002). Undernutrient deprivation, L. monocytogenes initiates a physiologicalresponse known as the starvation survival response (SSR) (Watsonand others 1998; Herbert and Foster 2001). Some researchers havefound that the SSR can increase the resistance of L. monocytogenesto other stresses including irradiation, heat, and acid (Jenkins andothers 1988; Lou and Yousef 1996; Janes and others 1999;Mendoncaand others 2002, 2004).
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