Dams: Provides students with a basic definition of a dam and describes what dams are used for in today’s society;
includes examples of famous dams, such as the Hoover Dam and the Grand Coulee Dam, the largest dam in the United
Deltas: Provides a definition of deltas and how to identify them; includes examples of the largest deltas, such as the
Nile Delta.
Lakes: Provides a definition of lakes; includes examples of lakes throughout the United States.
Plateaus: Provides a definition of a plateau with images and examples of large and small plateaus.
Tributaries: Provides a definition of a tributary with images.
Waterfalls: Provides a definition of a waterfall; includes examples of some of the largest waterfalls from around the
world, such as Victoria Falls in Africa.
Volcanoes: Provides a definition and categorization of volcanoes with images; includes examples of volcanoes that
have been active in recent years, such as Mount St. Helens in Washington State.
Map Navigation: Introduces students to a compass, the directions on a compass, how to remember the order and location
of North, South, East and West on the compass, and what it is used for on a map; provides examples of how to
use a compass when comparing the relative location of landforms to each other.