How is SARS Transmitted?
Spread of SARS to uninfected individuals can occur by:
Deposition of respiratory droplets onto the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes, which were released by an infected individual through airborne transmission after a cough or sneeze. (Droplets are able to travel about 3 feet)
Contact with surfaces or objects contaminated with SARS infected droplets and the sequential contact with the individual’s mouth, nose, or eyes.
SARS is spread by close person-to-person contact. Close contact includes having lived with or cared for an individual with SARS or having had direct contact with the body fluids or respiratory secretions of an individual infected with SARS.
Examples of close contact:
Sharing drinking or eating utensils
Directly touching a SARS patient
Talking to a SARS patient within three feet