Geriatric Health Questionnaire
Patient’s Name: Date:
Instructions: Please circle answers.
1. General Health: In general, would you say your health is:
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor
How much bodily pain have you had during the past 4 weeks?
None / Very Mild / Mild / Moderate / Severe / Very Severe
2. Activities of Daily Living: Are you independent (I) (can do by myself), require
assistance (A) (need help from another person), or dependent (D) (cannot do at all)
with each of the following tasks?
Walking I A D
Dressing I A D
Bathing I A D
Eating I A D
Toileting I A D
Driving I A D
Using Telephone I A D
Shopping I A D
Preparing Meals I A D
Housework I A D
Taking Medications I A D
Managing Finances I A D
3. Geriatric Review of Systems:
a. Do you have difficulty driving, watching TV,
or reading because of poor eyesight? ………………………………….. Yes / No
b. Can you hear normal conversational voice? ………………………….. Yes / No
Do you use hearing aides? ………………………………………............... Yes / No
c. Do you have problems with your memory? ……………………………. Yes / No
d. Do you often feel sad or depressed? ……………………………………. Yes / No
e. Have you unintentionally lost weight in the last 6 months? …….... Yes / No
f. Do you have trouble with control of your bladder? ………………….. Yes / No
Do you have trouble with control of your bowels? ………………...... Yes / No
g. How many falls have you had in the past year?
h. Do you drink alcohol? …………………………………………………………. Yes / No
If yes, how many drinks per week?
4. Do you live with anyone? ………………………………………………………... Yes / No
If yes, who? Spouse / Child / Other / Relative / Friend
Who would help you in an emergency?
Who would help you with health care decisions if you were not able to
communicate your wishes?
5. How many medicines do you take, including prescribed, over the counter, and
What is your system for taking your medications?
Pill box / Family help / List or chart / None
6. Are you sexually active? ………………………………………………………….. Yes / No
7. Has anyone intentionally tried to harm you? ……………………………….. Yes / No
8. Have you had a shot to prevent pneumonia? …………………………....... Yes / No
9. Please draw the face of a clock with all the numbers and the hands set to indicate
10 minutes after 11 o'clock.