The sangha
The sangha of the Blessed One's disciples is practicing the good way, practicing the straightway, practicing the true way, pracitcing the proper way;that is, the four pairs of persons,the eight types of individuals - This Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples is worthy of gifts, worth of hospitality, worth of offerings,worthy of reverential salutation, the unsurpassed field of merit for world.
in the Vajryana,a more liberal definition of Sangha can include all practitioners who are actively using the Buddha's teachings to benefit themselves and/or others It can be more strictly defined as the 'Realized Sangha' or Arya-Sangha;in other words,practitioners and historical students of the Buddha who have fully realized the nature of their mind, also known as realized Bodhisattvas; and'Ordinary Sangha; which can loosely mean practitioners and students of the Buddha who are using the same methods and working towards the same goal