The Recollection section allows you to re-view the various anime cutscenes and
conversations etc you have so-called went through in the Story Mode. However,
you need to have the memory card data in order to enable this function.
That means, for example, if you have played as West Almekia until the end,
and have kept your last save data in your memory card, you can go to the
Recollection section, load that save data, and choose to view the cutscenes
for the New Almekia storyline from the start until that point in the save
data. Of course, it also means that you have to switch discs if the cutscene
you choose to view is on the other disc. Simple, simple.
One thing to note is that if you have a system save data for Almekia on say,
memory slot one, when you play as another country, for example: Norgard and
also save your game under slot one. The system data will automatically be
overwritten, so you can view BOTH the events for Almekia and Norgard with
that one system save data. The system data only takes up one memory card slot
so you can keep your events with that alone.
Here, I shall list the events I have gotten. This is just an addition for
people who wants to complete this game in all aspects. A bonus info I have for
you is that once you have COMPLETED playing ALL of the countries and if you
have saved your data on the same memory card throughout (meaning your system
data will continously get overwitten with more events), go to the recollection
section and events that you have not gotten will show up as well, only that
they are darkened and you cannot view them of course.
My current overall collection percentage is at 73%.