Benefits of Digital Storytelling for Students
Approximately 45 percent of the respondents stated that digital storytelling allows students to improve their understanding of subject area knowledge, writing skills, technical skills, and presentation skills. Forty-one percent of the participants stated that digital storytelling helps students improve all of the skills specified in the question. Thirty-five percent of participants agreed that digital storytelling allows students to improve their research skills; 27 percent of them agreed that digital storytelling improved overall academic performance (see the DS website for Appendix Table 5).
According to the responses in the “other” category, 29 respondents answered the open ended question. The researchers identified five themes that deal with the improvement of student learning using digital storytelling. The themes are reflection skills, language skills, higher level thinking skills, social skills, and artistic skills. (see the DS website for Appendix Table 5A).
Reflection Skills Six respondents indicated that digital storytelling allows students to improve their reflection abilities. Two answers in this theme include reflection on experience in practical studies. The other answers suggest that digital storytelling helps to improve reflection skills by “integrating personal stories in an academic context." One of the respondents stated that "DS helps to improve students’ ability to reflect on experiences and learn from them.” Two of the respondents also stated that using digital storytelling helps to improve students’ “self-reflections.” The respondents said “In healthcare education, digital stories are used to help students reflect on difficult (threshold) concepts, develop empathy, reflect on practice, consider challenging issues from a very human perspective.”
Language Skills Seven respondents indicated that digital storytelling helps to improve students’ language skills. The answers in this theme include listening and speaking skills, narrative skills (both written and oral), and pronunciation skills for foreign language.
Higher Level Thinking Skills Nine respondents stated that digital storytelling helps improve students’ higher level thinking. Two respondents specified that digital storytelling improves higher level thinking such as creative thinking. The other responses for this theme are problem solving, motivation for learning, metacognitive skills of learning, empathy, selfevaluation, analysis and synthesis, creativity, finding one's own voice, and critical thinking skills. The responses also included the observation that digital storytelling “gives them a outlet for expressing themselves, thoughts and ideas specific to their personalities.” Another respondent said that digital storytelling allows students to “think more deeply about a topic and personal resonance.”
fourth theme of the improvement of students learning with digital storytelling is social skills. Eight respondents indicated that using digital storytelling improves students social skills. The respondents describe the social skills as “community connections,” “groupworks,” “the possibility to know other people, and understand that their identities which are connected with a social context.” According the responses, digital storytelling also improves students’ “sense of community, empathy, and collaboration,” and “social interaction and communication skills.” One of the respondents specifically stated that digital storytelling “allows a sense of community membership in class and school that for many of our students is a first chance to declare self-value.” Another response is about students’ confidence, and this respondent wrote of the benefit of “feelings of their stories and concerns being represented in curriculum, connectedness to one another and their communities.”
Artistic Skills The last theme that emerged was that digital storytelling allows students to improve their artistic ability.
Finally, two critiques about using digital storytelling in education were noted. The first critique is “I say all of the above but with reservations. It depends on the purpose and how digital storytelling is used whether it does all of the above.” The other critique is about time barriers and the respondent stated, “I suspect that the small amount of improvement is not worth the time spent.”
ประโยชน์ของ Storytelling ดิจิตอลสำหรับนักเรียน ประมาณ 45 เปอร์เซ็นต์ของผู้ตอบที่ระบุ storytelling ดิจิตอลที่ช่วยให้นักเรียนเพื่อปรับปรุงความเข้าใจเรื่องพื้นที่ความรู้ ทักษะ ทักษะทางเทคนิค และทักษะการนำเสนอ ร้อยละสี่สิบของผู้เข้าร่วมระบุ storytelling ดิจิตอลที่ช่วยให้นักเรียนปรับปรุงทักษะระบุไว้ในคำถามทั้งหมด สามสิบห้าเปอร์เซ็นต์ของผู้เข้าร่วมตกลง storytelling ดิจิตอลที่ช่วยให้นักเรียนเพื่อพัฒนาทักษะการวิจัย ร้อยละ 27 ของพวกเขาตกลงที่ storytelling ดิจิทัลพัฒนาวิชาการโดยรวมประสิทธิภาพการทำงาน (ดูเว็บไซต์ DS สำหรับ 5 ตารางภาคผนวก)ตามการตอบสนองในประเภท "อื่นๆ" 29 ผู้ตอบตอบคำถามเปิดที่สิ้นสุด นักวิจัยระบุห้ารูปแบบที่จัดการกับการพัฒนาของนักเรียนที่เรียนรู้โดยใช้ดิจิตอล storytelling ชุดรูปแบบสะท้อนทักษะ ภาษา ทักษะการคิดระดับสูง สังคม และทักษะทางศิลปะ (ดูเว็บไซต์ DS ของ 5A ตารางภาคผนวก)สะท้อนทักษะ 6 ผู้ตอบระบุ storytelling ดิจิตอลที่ช่วยให้นักเรียนเพื่อปรับปรุงความสามารถในการสะท้อน คำตอบที่สองในชุดรูปแบบนี้รวมถึงสะท้อนประสบการณ์ในการศึกษาปฏิบัติ คำตอบแนะนำ storytelling ดิจิทัลที่ช่วยปรับปรุงทักษะสะท้อน "รวมเรื่องราวส่วนตัวในบริบทการศึกษา" หนึ่งของผู้ตอบที่ระบุว่า "DS ช่วยปรับปรุงความสามารถนักเรียน ให้สอดคล้องกับประสบการณ์เรียนรู้จากพวกเขา" สองผู้ตอบยังระบุว่า ใช้ storytelling ดิจิทัลช่วยปรับปรุงนักเรียน "self-reflections" ผู้ตอบว่า "ในการศึกษาสุขภาพ เรื่องดิจิทัลใช้เพื่อช่วยให้นักเรียนสะท้อนบนแนวคิดยาก (ขีดจำกัด) พัฒนาเอาใจใส่ สะท้อนการปฏิบัติ พิจารณาท้าทายปัญหาจากมุมมองมนุษย์มาก"ตอบเจ็ดทักษะภาษาระบุ storytelling ดิจิตอลที่ช่วยพัฒนาทักษะภาษาของนักเรียน คำตอบในรูปแบบนี้รวมถึงการฟัง และการพูดทักษะ ทักษะบรรยาย (ทั้งเขียน และปากเปล่า), และทักษะการออกเสียงภาษาต่างประเทศHigher Level Thinking Skills Nine respondents stated that digital storytelling helps improve students’ higher level thinking. Two respondents specified that digital storytelling improves higher level thinking such as creative thinking. The other responses for this theme are problem solving, motivation for learning, metacognitive skills of learning, empathy, selfevaluation, analysis and synthesis, creativity, finding one's own voice, and critical thinking skills. The responses also included the observation that digital storytelling “gives them a outlet for expressing themselves, thoughts and ideas specific to their personalities.” Another respondent said that digital storytelling allows students to “think more deeply about a topic and personal resonance.”fourth theme of the improvement of students learning with digital storytelling is social skills. Eight respondents indicated that using digital storytelling improves students social skills. The respondents describe the social skills as “community connections,” “groupworks,” “the possibility to know other people, and understand that their identities which are connected with a social context.” According the responses, digital storytelling also improves students’ “sense of community, empathy, and collaboration,” and “social interaction and communication skills.” One of the respondents specifically stated that digital storytelling “allows a sense of community membership in class and school that for many of our students is a first chance to declare self-value.” Another response is about students’ confidence, and this respondent wrote of the benefit of “feelings of their stories and concerns being represented in curriculum, connectedness to one another and their communities.”Artistic Skills The last theme that emerged was that digital storytelling allows students to improve their artistic ability.Finally, two critiques about using digital storytelling in education were noted. The first critique is “I say all of the above but with reservations. It depends on the purpose and how digital storytelling is used whether it does all of the above.” The other critique is about time barriers and the respondent stated, “I suspect that the small amount of improvement is not worth the time spent.”
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