towards the
earthquake epicentre in the southwest. Small, but significant, coseismic
jumps between 5 and 10 mm were detected even at stations
more than 3000 km away from the earthquake epicentre. In the
vertical direction, ground displacements in the near field (close to the
earthquake epicentre), determined from various techniques, show a
characteristic pattern: a region of (co-seismic) uplift near the Sumatra
trench and a region of subsidence away from it (Subarya et al., 2006).
Evidence of 1500 mm uplift near the epicentre of the earthquake was
shown in Sieh (2005) in the form of emerged coral reefs. In the far
field the elastic dislocation slip model (Meltzner et al., 2006) predicts
co-seismic subsidence that decreases when moving further away
from the Sumatra trench, where the earthquake epicentre is located.
towards theearthquake epicentre in the southwest. Small, but significant, coseismicjumps between 5 and 10 mm were detected even at stationsmore than 3000 km away from the earthquake epicentre. In thevertical direction, ground displacements in the near field (close to theearthquake epicentre), determined from various techniques, show acharacteristic pattern: a region of (co-seismic) uplift near the Sumatratrench and a region of subsidence away from it (Subarya et al., 2006).Evidence of 1500 mm uplift near the epicentre of the earthquake wasshown in Sieh (2005) in the form of emerged coral reefs. In the farfield the elastic dislocation slip model (Meltzner et al., 2006) predictsco-seismic subsidence that decreases when moving further awayfrom the Sumatra trench, where the earthquake epicentre is located.
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