The Island of the Dolls (Isla de las Munecas) sits in the canals south of Mexico City and is the current home of hundreds of terrifying, mutilated dolls.
mutilated dolls
Their severed limbs, decapitated heads, and blank eyes adorn trees, fences and nearly every available surface.
severed limbs
The dolls appear menacing even in the bright light of midday, but in the dark they are particularly haunting.
Not surprisingly, the island’s origins lie in tragedy.
The story goes that the island’s only inhabitant, Don Julian Santana, found the body of a drowned child in the canal some 50 years ago.
He was haunted by her death, so when he saw a doll floating by in the canal soon after, he hung it in a tree to please the girl.
He hoped to both appease her tortured soul and protect the island from further evil.