Samples were removed from storage at weekly intervals for up
to 5 weeks, then after 9 and 13 weeks. These samples were
enumerated as described above. A raw, uncooked sample and a
cooked untreated sample were also kept for 5 weeks before
The entire experiment was repeated on three separate
Water activity (aw) and pH were measured in the raw chicken,
after the addition of lactate, after the addition of 1 ml of water (to
simulate addition of the inoculum) and again after cooking for each
of these. aw was measured (in triplicate) using a Rotronic aw meter
(Rotronic Hygrolab 3, Rotronic Instruments, Crawley, UK). To
measure the pH of the chicken, a 50:50 w/w mixture of the minced
chicken sample and distilled water was homogenised and the pH of
the resulting homogenate measured using a Jenway model 3505 pH
meter (Bibby Scientific, Stone, U.K.). All measurements were taken
on three separate occasions using three separate batches of