Analyzing Table 1 it is seen that the self-esteem levels of the pregnant individuals are higher than the ones who are non-pregnant. However, at the end of Mann-Whitney U test conducted it has been determined that the self-esteem of the adolescents did not have a significant difference according to their pregnancy situation (p>.05). We can say that the fact that situations such as marriage and pregnancy are welcomed in our country and make adolescents gain social status and cause them to have a feeling of belonging and also the fact that an important part of the participant pregnant women (57.8%) could not perceive the changes in their bodies since their belly grows large during the early months of pregnancy thus their self-esteem are not adversely affected. Nichols and Zwelling (1997), have stated that the changes that occur in pregnancy develop slowly and the body image understanding is affected positively or negatively, some pregnant women think that these changes fit to them whereas some will be affected negatively. In spite of the expectations for adolescent mothers to have a lower self-esteem, it has been noted in the studies that have been conducted (Bulut, 1996) that the self-esteem of adolescent individuals who are supported during the development stage of the pregnancy increase. Sevil and Ekmekçi (2002), have determined in the study they made with 100 adolescent pregnant women that the self-esteem levels of the adolescent pregnant women are low.