Mathematical modeling of traffic flows now is rather actual in connection with the great increase
of the number of vehicles and with the growth of urban infrastructure. Almost any path between two
points includes the passing of road intersections, including signal-controlled. For this reason, there is of
great interest for study time lost caused by passing of signal-controlled road intersections.
Paper [1] describes vehicle behavior on signal-controlled road intersections by using numeric methods.
This paper uses queueing theory methods for modeling transport flows.
Queuing theory for modeling traffic on crossroads was used in [2]. In the paper system GI|G|∞ was
considered in which all the requests received in the same busy period have the same service time. Service
times in the different busy periods is independent distributed random values. This model originated in
the description of «synchronous movement» arising in transportation systems with high traffic. With
this model, for example, the authors obtained the distribution of the waiting time on a single-vehicle
secondary road at the intersection of the main and secondary roads in the uncontrolled intersection, at the
time of his appearance at the crossroads there are no other cars. In fact, the traffic on the uncontrolled
crossroads can be formulated as the problem of controlled crossroads with a Poisson lengths phases.
Similar methods are also considered in [3].
When considering the traffic light with a fixed duration of phases is more complex mathematical
apparatus is required. In particular, this problem in the case of a single-lane road and traffic lights with
two phases (green-red) was considered in [4].