Cultural characteristics were determined after 2-week incubation at 28 1C on
International Streptomyces Project (ISP) media.17 Czapek’s agar, potato glucose
agar and nutrient agar were prepared according to the method of Dong and
Cai.18 Color determination was carried out by using color chips from the
ISCC–NBS color charts (standard samples, no. 2106).19 Morphological
properties were examined by using a light microscope (Olympus BX43,
Tokyo, Japan) and scanning electron microscope (VEGA IITESCNA, Brno,
Czechia) after incubation on YIM 38# medium at 28 1C for 10 days. Carbonsource
utilization was performed according to the methods of Shirling and
Gottlieb17 and Locci.20 Growth at various pH, temperatures and NaCl contents
were examined according to Xu et al.21 by using YIM 38# medium as the basal