Sintering behaviours of the barley straw ash and the effects of
zeolite 24A and kaolin addition were also studied. The barley straw
ash has a low melting temperature of about 860 C, which showed
resulted in severe sintering behavior as the temperature increased
above 800 C. Together with XRD analyses, the SEM-EDX analysis
revealed that significant sintering of the barley straw ash was due
to formation and melting of potassium aluminum silicates. Upon
addition of zeolite 24A and kaolin, the melting point of barley straw
ash was significantly increased to 1000 C. The addition of kaolin
led to formation of refractory mineral phases in the barley straw
ash including KAlSiO4, KAlSi2O6, and CaSiO3. This process was
accompanied by considerable reduction in the amount of ash melts
and sintering degree of the barley straw ash. Compared to kaolin,
zeolite 24A showed less pronounced effects regarding abating
sintering of the barley straw ash. However, at 1000 C completely
melting of the barley straw ash was eliminated with zeolite 24A
addition. The high temperature melting mineral phases KAlSiO4
and KAlSi2O6 were also identified from the barley straw ash upon
zeolite 24A addition. It indicates that zeolite 24A is chemically
reactive and can bind the potassium containing species from the
barley straw ash. The results from the current work show that both
kaolin and zeolite 24A can be used for mitigating ash fouling deposits
and sintering in biomass combustion applications.
Sintering behaviours of the barley straw ash and the effects ofzeolite 24A and kaolin addition were also studied. The barley strawash has a low melting temperature of about 860 C, which showedresulted in severe sintering behavior as the temperature increasedabove 800 C. Together with XRD analyses, the SEM-EDX analysisrevealed that significant sintering of the barley straw ash was dueto formation and melting of potassium aluminum silicates. Uponaddition of zeolite 24A and kaolin, the melting point of barley strawash was significantly increased to 1000 C. The addition of kaolinled to formation of refractory mineral phases in the barley strawash including KAlSiO4, KAlSi2O6, and CaSiO3. This process wasaccompanied by considerable reduction in the amount of ash meltsand sintering degree of the barley straw ash. Compared to kaolin,zeolite 24A showed less pronounced effects regarding abatingsintering of the barley straw ash. However, at 1000 C completelymelting of the barley straw ash was eliminated with zeolite 24Aaddition. The high temperature melting mineral phases KAlSiO4and KAlSi2O6 were also identified from the barley straw ash uponzeolite 24A addition. It indicates that zeolite 24A is chemicallyreactive and can bind the potassium containing species from thebarley straw ash. The results from the current work show that bothkaolin and zeolite 24A can be used for mitigating ash fouling depositsand sintering in biomass combustion applications.Ac
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